4th Grade Updates
Tuesday, January 7 - Report cards are live on FACTS/RenWeb
Monday, February 3 - TOTs basketball performance (in the evening)
Please complete THIS TOTS form by Friday, 1/17, to let us know if your child can participate in our TOTs performance on Monday, 2/3.
By Monday, January 10, please take a look at your child's Quarter 2 report card on RenWeb/FACTS and email your child's homeroom teacher that you have seen it.
Spring semester Enrichment programs will be gearing up in January. Check out the Weekly Newsletter for more information.
As it gets colder, please remember that, per our school handbook, all outerwear (sweatshirts, jackets, hoodies, sweaters, and pullovers) must be worn:
● Over dress code shirts
● Indoors provided they are: Trinity Klein apparel purchased from the spirit shop
● Outdoors provided they are: Neat & modest
Students should bring a reusable water bottle to school DAILY. Even with the cooler weather, students need to stay hydrated ... and it's just not feasible to send 67 students to the drinking fountain and still get good teaching and learning in! :)
Please consider making a gift to our school's Annual Fund. This year, our goal is to raise over $125,000 to support Campus Operations, Fine Arts, Athletics, and our Early Childhood Center. Each homeroom class that reaches 80 percent participation in The Annual Fund giving by the close of the 1st semester will receive a hot chocolate and cookie treat train (with a surprise guest!) for their homeroom class. All three 4th grade classes are getting VERY close to 80% participation already!!! Please prayerfully consider contributing to the Trinity Klein Annual Fund. Gifts can be made HERE.
The school Christmas program will be on Tuesday, December 17. There are performances at 1:15 pm AND at 6:00 pm in the Trinity sanctuary. The afternoon performance was added to help alleviate some of the crowding that can take place with the evening performance and especially to be an option for grandparents, older relatives, or families with small children. The 6:00 service will be streamed online for family members who may not be able to attend in person.
We are expecting all students to participate in both performances. Please let your child’s homeroom teacher know ASAP if your child is unable to attend one of the performances so that we can make necessary adjustments.
Pick-up/Drop-off Procedures for Christmas Program:
For the 1:15 afternoon performance: You will pick your child up at normal time in the usual pick-up lines.
For the 6:00 evening performance, your child should be dropped off in their classroom at 5:45. If you arrive earlier than that to get a good seat, please keep your child with you until 5:45 to help make sure that everyone is adequately supervised. You will also pick up your child from their classroom immediately following the program.
Attire for Christmas Program:
For the 1:15 afternoon performance: Your child should come to school in a red, green, or other holiday-type shirt with dress code bottoms. The shirt does not need to be in dress code. No graphic tees or Santa-themed items, please. Girls may wear red, green, or holiday-type dresses instead, if desired. Children will be playing outside for recess and/or having PE at school that day, so please do NOT send them in the same “Christmas best” they will wear for the evening performance.
For the 6:00 evening performance: 4th graders should wear their “Christmas best” – in other words, clothing your child may wear to church or a fancy wedding -- ideally, with holiday colors. All clothes must be “neat and modest” style. Below are some specific guidelines:
BOYS (6 PM Performance Guidelines):
Boys should wear a collared shirt, tucked in, with dress pants or slacks. The shirt can be a polo style shirt or button up. Nice sweaters or sweater vests are acceptable, too.
No jeans
No athletic shoes/sneakers
Boys may wear suits and/or ties, but it is not required.
GIRLS (6 PM Performance Guidelines):
Girls may wear a dress or skirt, as long as it is at least fingertip length.
Any sleeveless or spaghetti strap dresses or shirts will need to be worn with a cardigan, sweater, or other cover up.
Girls may wear dress pants with a nice shirt.
Girls may wear shoes with small heels, but they should be comfortable and easy to walk in.
No jeans
No athletic shoes/sneakers
Please note that we will begin whole-school practices for the Christmas program after Thanksgiving break. Some days we will have two program rehearsals each day. This means that we may have to make significant adjustments to our usual class schedule. We will remind students that some assignments/class plans may need to be changed at the last minute. We'll work together to be patient and flexible.
We can't wait to celebrate our Savior's birth with you! Invite friends and family to come to the program; it'll be a beautiful evening!
Our 24-25 Parent/Student Handbook can be found HERE. Please note that this year's Handbook has the links to additional handbooks (e.g. Athletic, Admissions, Student Services, etc.) within it. Additionally, Elementary School and Middle School specific policies have been broken out into their own Handbooks and linked within as well. There is signature page to confirm that you have received and read through the handbook.
Please see THIS DOCUMENT for information on how we determine conduct scores. A "3" for conduct is the starting point/average score -- in other words, nothing to be concerned about but encouraging some improvements.
Listen to this year's "Fearless" theme song from home at THIS LINK.
Students are starting to take AR tests to accumulate points to earn prizes! You can see how many AR points your child has by visiting ARhome.trinityklein.org. Then, log in with Clever at the bottom and click "log in with Google." (Usernames are first.lastname@tkeagles.org and Google passwords are tklsFFLLLL -- FF=first two initials of first name, LL = first four initials of last name.)
Remember to order your child's hot lunch in advance using THIS LINK. We've had quite a few students needing "emergency lunches." Ordering ahead helps us make sure that we have enough food for everyone that needs a lunch!
Make sure to label sweatshirts and jackets with your child's name!
Please get in the habit of removing the graded papers from the "take home" section of your child's binder at least once per week. This helps to keep us all organized. :)
Homework is an important part of developing responsibility in 4th grade. Your child will have homework most evenings. Please help your child to get into the habit of carving out time to study and complete homework. If assignments are incomplete at the beginning of the day, parents will receive a notification, and 10 points will be deducted from your child's grade for that assignment.
Students will begin going to the school library each Thursday. Click HERE to put books on hold or explore the library's catalog.
If your child is absent, please email your child's teacher. We will gather work and have it in the front office for pick-up (if desired) by 2:15 PM. Please have your child bring ALL supplies and work (even incomplete work) back to school when they return. Students have as many days to make up their work as they are absent.
All Trinity students should wear their blue polo shirt with the embroidered Trinity logo to chapel each Wednesday.
Please check your child's planner each night, and sign your name when your child has completed everything. If there's any confusion about an assignment, click on the "planner/homework" tab below for more details. The due date is the next school day, unless listed otherwise.
Students are encouraged to read 20 minutes EVERY night from a chapter book or informational text at their grade level.
Students should practice multiplication facts for at least 5 minutes EVERY night. See the handout in your child's binder (behind the "math" tab) for ideas of HOW to practice multiplication and for the order of tests.
Please make sure that all water bottles, jackets, and sweatshirts are labeled with your child's name. This helps us get lost items back to their owners. :)
At Trinity, we believe that weekly worship is an important way to help Christians grow in our faith, remember God's promises, and encourage one another. Church attendance information will be included on each quarter's report card. This record will not impact students' grades in any way. Worship attendance can be here at Trinity Klein, at any other church, or on line. At the start of each week, we will ask students to report if they attended church or Sunday School or watched on-line the past weekend.
If you don't have a church home, please consider attending Trinity! We have a traditional service at 8:15 AM on Sundays and a contemporary service at 10:45 AM with a "Discipleship Time" (Sunday School for kids and Bible Study for adults) from 9:30-10:30. Kids are welcome at either service, or there is a targeted "Kids' Worship" in the Surf Shack (FLC) during the 10:45 service for kids Kinder-4th grade.
Fourth graders are able to register for a pass to get into any national park for FREE through August of 2025! Accompanying family members get in free, too! Check out this website for details and to print your own free pass (the process takes about two minutes!).